Crystal liquor glasses, enduring timeless pieces
Because of their elegance crystal liquor glasses are perfectly suitable for respectably consuming the highest quality drinks. View our selection!
From the aspect of their shape crystal liquor glasses are like chalices, each and every one of which is a piece decorated with artist engravings. From the classic flower motifs, through leaf patterns all the way to images connected to hunting culture, a broad selection of decorations is available to our customers.
Our crystal liquor glasses are base shot glasses, chalices, with a nicely curved stem and thick wall. They are enduring timeless pieces, and on top of this they are perfect gift items, especially in an ornamental box. Any one of our hunter, forester friends would be ecstatic to receive a beautiful liquor glass set decorated with a unique handmade wild boar artist engraving, masterfully engraved!
Similarly to shot glasses, crystal liquor glasses are made so you can enjoy the fragrance and aroma of the given drink in the most optimal way.
Excellent liquors are truly enjoyable if they are served in a beautiful, decorated glass. Because of their elegance crystal liquor glasses are perfectly suitable for respectably consuming even the highest quality drinks, as a result of the atmosphere gleaming from their beauty they create a cozy enchantment for conversations.
Of course, our crystal liquor glasses are suitable for serving other drinks as well. You can confidently offer vodka, grappa or cognac from them, if your guests like their liquor in larger quantities in beautiful shot glasses.